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ebxml-architecture message

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Subject: Re: revised TA messaging services (sect 11)


Thanks for the submission.   The attachment I have doesn't include any
graphics.  Can you please try to resend it?

If it is okay with everyone, I will include it into the arch document
today.  Any comments????


Christopher Ferris wrote:
> All,
> Attached you'll find a revised version of Brian's revision
> to section 11 of the TA spec. I'd like to submit this for
> consideration/incorporation into the revised TA spec. The
> changes are mostly subtle refinements.
> I would like to also suggest that figure 11.3 be updated
> to reflect the latest draft of the Messaging Services
> specification when it is released (shortly I hope;-)
> There is one last thing which I think would be useful,
> which is a narrative description of how the MS functions
> in a sample exchange. If I have time, I'll start working
> on this.
> Comments welcomed.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> --
>     _/_/_/_/ _/    _/ _/    _/ Christopher Ferris - Enterprise Architect
>    _/       _/    _/ _/_/  _/  Phone: 781-442-3063 or x23063
>   _/_/_/_/ _/    _/ _/ _/ _/   Email: chris.ferris@East.Sun.COM
>        _/ _/    _/ _/  _/_/    Sun Microsystems,  Mailstop: UBUR03-313
> _/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  _/    _/     1 Network Drive Burlington, MA 01803-0903
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                               Name: ebXML TA Messaging Services section.doc
>    ebXML TA Messaging Services section.doc    Type: WINWORD File (application/msword)
>                                           Encoding: BASE64

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