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Subject: RE: Conformance and naming
Message text written by Lynne Rosenthal > It is my understanding that many of the specifications as well as many of the developers talk about conforming to ebXML or conforming messages, etc. It would be nice if we all had a similar or at least a knowledgeable understanding of all that is involved when talking about conformance. We are not trying to dictate what needs to be said in each specification, but rather are volunteering to lead a discussion of the issues related to conformance - for example: (1) will extensions be allowed and if so, what impact does this have on implementations that claim to conform; (2) will there be levels or profiles of conformance and if so, are they hierarchical and does a higher level include conformance to a lower level. It is up to each ebXML Committee to determine what it means to conform to their specification and what should be included in the Conformance Clause. regards Lynne< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lynne, We could probably turn this paragraph around and write it in the assertive tense instead, and then add a section to the Architecture document on this to get us started in the right direction of everyone having an action plan. Thanks, DW.
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