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Subject: Re: Education & Awareness

getting the word out:

we could probably use a "this is XML" pamphlet, in digital and hard-copy

also, some words about EDI. 

and, probably, a copy of: 

 ( sans the "messages" section )

also, I'd like to emphasize point "h", given below.
	( and apologies that it's given that far down the list.

	  a possible remedy for such as this
		is mentioned in point "b" )

a)  towards an XML-based document-architecture, and a good countenance on the
public-available ebXML proposals and other docs:

	I've got something tabled here, which is supposed to be able to format XML to
PDF. this should be ideal for multi-format document-output (eg: XSLT of XML to
each target-format { HTML, PDF, plain-text , ... } ).


	"FOP" == "Formatting Object Parser"

		( "Formatting Objects" == a core part of the w3c XSL spec.
			also, a nice construct for digital documentation. 
			( re: "typesetting" ... ) )

b) started working towards some sort of an XML-based email system, here.
	( XSLT, SMTP, LDAP? ...)


		needing to dig through the FSF "Gnu" tools, 
			for a standalone mailer.

		..and maybe through some other "OSS" project-sites
			( not a few of them, there are) ,

		thence (likely) to use some TCL/TK
			to glue that mailer together
			with the 'XT' XSLT-engine.
			( just as the Gnu tools generally are,
				XT is free.

				== good for the budgeting, no? )

c)  ( glad that the message-filtering is fixed, on this emailer, now. 

	apologies, for not speaking-up on any of this, sooner. 

	it was all being shuffled of to the local 'XML-Apache' catchbins. )

d) could a person find employment, working on some ebXML docs 
		and doc-systems?

	( "aspiring information-architect" | "freelance writer"
		has bills to pay,
		could use a good Java-book or two,
		  needs a job.  )

e) if a distribution of the "Simple-EDI" doc, w/o the messages-section,
	seems like a good idea, I should be able to contact Mr. Whittle,
	about the same.  please state so, if it should be pursued.

f) sidebar:
	we could use:

	1) an XML-based messaging system.

	2) a commitment from folks to send along XML source
	   of any MS-word or other-format document,

		and maybe a working-group-node about the same.

	3) some data about who's using which of:
		- Operating-System

		- ms-[word|office]-version

		- web-UA ( "browser" ) type and version
			(eg: MSIE ==> in-built [XML+XSL]-ability)

		& "does your email software have HTML capability?"

	    ...among the members of the ebXML WGs

	I should file seperate proposals about these,
		and need to check-in on the progress of the
		ebXML core XML-schemas
		(if|when filed, the proposals will likely have
			XML source with XSL stylesheets available,
			though likely submitted as emailed-plain-text
			with HTML-copy attatched.

			this is related to point f.1 )

g) some simple, practical, examples of the usage of XML
	should be helpful.

	- resume-example:

	I can send along a URL, or a copy, of
		 an XSL stylesheet that I've used for building a resume
		 from XML source-data,
	  if it was requested.

	( needing to build the schema or DTD for the source-doc, too,
		and should be able to get that done shortly, on-request )

	- other examples ???

		1) "typical-scenario" cases would be appropriate

		2) shop-time would be helpful, re: examples-building.

			and|or a map, of typical "workflow" points
			( and|or a collection thereof )

	  	3) anyone know of some good demonstrative EDI systems,
			worth a note and/or interview, re: ebXML ?

h)  regarding ebXML-awareness:

	some collaboration with the U.S. "Small Business Administration"
		should be in-order.

	and a list of target-organizations among other nations
		should also be good for a work-point.

i)  someone had mentioned something about "keeping track of things".

	methinks we need some good group-ware.

	the document side of it it ought to be purely XML-based,
		or as much so as possible.

	I came across some TCL/TK-based groupware,
		but this should probably be addressed to "ebXML-core".

bearing-down at some pending XML-wrapping-around-document.this,

-- sean champ

Rachel Foerster wrote:
> Mike,
> Not yet....we've been focusing first on getting the word out about ebXML in
> general.
> However, I agree with you. Do you have any ideas to kick start this? I'm
> copying the entire Marketing team to start a discussion going on this need.
> Thanks for bringing it up. Why not join us and help us create some material
> along these lines?
> Rachel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Evanoff [mailto:evanoffm@mantech-wva.com]
> Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 8:14 AM
> To: rachelf@ix.netcom.com
> Subject: Education & Awareness
> Rachel,
>         I'm finding that folks already doing X12 EDI sorely need to have some
> education on how they can start understanding how to plan for embracing
> ebXML.....does your group have any material addressing this topic area?
> Sincerely,
> Michael D. Evanoff, Technical Director
> ManTech Advanced Systems International, Inc.
> (304) 368-4137, www.mantech-wva.com, www.dcnicn.com/XMLEDICentral/
> =======================================================================
> = This is ebxml-awareness, the general mailing list for the ebXML     =
> = Marketing and Awareness project team. The owner of this list is     =
> = owner-ebxml-awareness@oasis-open.org                                =
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= This is ebxml-awareness, the general mailing list for the ebXML     =
= Marketing and Awareness project team. The owner of this list is     =
= owner-ebxml-awareness@oasis-open.org                                =
=                                                                     =
= To unsubscribe, send mail to majordomo@lists.oasis-open.org with    =
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