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Subject: Fwd: Re: Urgent - Need review of presentation abstract by COB Monday
All, Thank you for all your feedback, and I have attempted to consolidate it into the following proposal for the abstract. As for the title, I take your points about references to Clicks and Mortar, and on reflection, agree. There were a number of suggestions that we retain a theme about how ebXML enables businesses to talk/speak/communicate with each other, but avoid the word language - also I'm wondering if "framework" is now worn out, as an eye catcher? Therefore, I've gone with an old idea!!!! Thanks again, Simon Removing Babel - using ebXML for Global Business Communication The "Electronic Business XML" or ebXML initiative combines the best of the new Web technology with previous experience of electronic transactions, and promises to extend the benefits of business data exchange to companies of all sizes anywhere in the world. Over the last 25 years most of the world's larger enterprises have exchanged electronic transactions with their customers and suppliers in volumes that today are measured in billions of dollars. However, only those organisations with the deepest pockets and large support resources could afford the development, software, and networks needed to make it work. Now, with the availability of the Internet, organisations worldwide and of all sizes are looking to do business electronically with each other, in ways which remove dependencies on their trading partners and specific technology vendors. The last year has seen an explosion in initiatives to provide the infrastructure that enables small, medium and large organisations to conduct business electronically using the Internet. Many of the initiatives share common requirements in core infrastructure and, therefore, to enable interoperability amongst these services a common electronic business framework is needed. In November 1999, the UN CEFACT and OASIS organisations came together to form the ebXML initiative. The objective is to ensure the empowerment of small and medium size businesses, through the development of an open, platform independent infrastructure for electronic business, based on public, proven standards. Participation at ebXML is freely open to all and represents the only initiative of its type in the industry today. As a result it now has the global backing and participation of large and small vendors, key industry groups from both the EDI and XML worlds, and end-users. The first phase, with a duration of 18 months, is now nearing completion and is defining the framework by which all enterprises, irrespective of size, location and implementation will interact and do business. This presentation provides an insight into the ongoing work of ebXML and will discuss the architecture defining the framework and how the specifications for transport, business process, registry and repository and core components fit together. =========================================================================== Simon Nicholson Snr. Market Strategist XML Technology Centre Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tel: +1 (650) 786 4238 Fax: +1 (650) 786 5723 Email: simonn@eng.sun.com
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