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Subject: Re: eBTWG BPSS Project Proposal

John Yunker:
> Just one issue... It seems like the point would be to refine the BPSS for
> alignment and suitability to purpose. I would expect substantive changes
> should be handled by the group developing the monitored commitments
> specification.

Actually, the reason Dave Welsh and I put anything about BPSS into 
the monitored commitments proposal was because there were no
other projects defined yet at that time.  We intended to start with 
business examples, and pretty much follow UMM through the 
requirements and transaction views.  Now that there are other 
projects on the table with overlapping scopes (BPSS, Collaboration 
Protocol, RDF) we will be happy to divvy up the work as it
makes most sense in a collegial manner.

Also, the commitments project is intended to be a narrow slice,
so there may be other substantive changes to BPSS that
do not fall into that slice.  (We want to be modest and get done,
we don't want to occupy territory.)

-Bob Haugen

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