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Subject: Update: ebXML Quarterly Technical Orientation San Jose August 7th

Following  discussion with Rachel Foerster of the Marketing and Awareness
group, I wish to clarify that this request is seperate from (but related to)
the request for copies of papers to the steering committee.

Technical Coordination's focus is assist the Marketing and Awareness group
who are chairing this event, to provide technical continuity in the various

I apologise for not being clearer in the original email, I can only blame
the lateness of the hour and the cold and dark Australian winter.

Tim McGrath wrote:

> i have been asked by the Technical Coordination and Support team (on
> behalf of the ebXML Steering Committee) to contact all presenters at the
> QTO session on August 7th and ask for a summary or bullet points on
> their presentation by Wednesday 3rd August (or as soon as possible after
> this).
> The purpose of this is to allow us to ensure that we can make the
> session 'flow' between the topics.
> In case not all participants have seen this, here is the agenda for the
> session:
> Chair: Bob Glushko
> Speakers and Topics
>      · 9:00-9:20
>      Introduction to ebXML - its rationale in the industry and standards
> context
>      - (Arofan Gregory -- CONFIRMED)
>      · 9:20-9:40
>      EbXML scenarios - specific problems and use cases ebXML is
> addressing (Duane
>      Nicoll -- CONFIRMED)
>      · 9:40-10:00
>      Business process modeling and meta-modeling (Karsten Reimer --
>      · 10:00-10:20
>      The role of context in business process and core components (Brian
> Hayes --
>      · 10:20-10:40
>      Core components - methodology and results (Sue Probert --
>      · 10:40-11:00
>      Core component vertical validation projects (Lisa Shreve -
>      Kay Blantz - CONFIRMED)
>      · 11:00-11:20
>      Registry and repository (Scott Nieman - INVITED)
>      · 11:20-11:40
>      Transport, routing, packaging (David Burdett - CONFIRMED)
>      · 11:40-12:00
>      Demo (Duane Nicoll - CONFIRMED & Nick Kassem - INVITED)
> Our apologies to those who may have CONFIRMED their involvement - but
> please let me know if you are not able to participate.(uh-oh...)
> Finally, we would like to suggest you may like to meet with us in the
> Doubletree Hotel for breakfast @ 07:45 on the Monday morning to discuss
> the content of your presentation with your peers.
> --
> regards
> tim mcgrath
> TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
> phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

tim mcgrath
TEDIS   fremantle  western australia 6160
phone: +618 93352228  fax: +618 93352142

tel;cell:+61 (0)438352228
fn:tim mcgrath

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