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Subject: Purchase Orders Considered Harmful
Bob wrote: ... Purchase orders are a carryover from paper systems. They are usually composed of a collection of line items, often aggregating quantities over time periods. They have no knowledge of how the purchases items will be used, nor what processes and components are required to fulfill the order. Dependent demands, by contrast, are totally dependent on whatever independent demand stimulated them in the first place. All dependent demands should be linked to their relative independent demand so if there are changes anywhere in the network of activities, they can be rippled out to the affected relatives. For example, if a customer order for a finished good changes in quantity or timing or is cancelled - the dependent demands should be changed correspondingly. The PO is too heavy a mechanism for managing dependent demands - something more like an electronic Kanban or manufacturing schedule or point-of-sale event notification would be better. The same goes for invoices, which are unnecessary for dependent demands. Without sounding like a complete idiot, a more concise meaning of the term purchase order is needed. For example, if you are referring to the type of purchase order formerly known as a "one shot" you are correct. The cost associated with this type of business transaction eliminated its usefulness in the late 80's. Today, Long Term Agreements (LTAs) are established which provide the legal entity and relationship between two parties. Usually the LTA, consists of thousands of line items covering the duration of a decade or more. Not the type of transaction I would focus on. The LTA purchase order "release mechanism" however maybe exactly the entity you are looking for. These include some of the methods you have already stated, (electronic Kanban, automatic reorder, schedule release, etc.) Invoices are obsolete and are only used to keep mentally challenged auditors happy. They provide absolutely no business value. R.J. Moore EC/EDI Administrator BFG Aerospace Aerostructures Group rmoore@aerostructures.bfg.com 619.691.3768
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