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Subject: RE: ebXML Entity Classes - Resend
>> A deficiency of the diagram is that it is not preceeded by higher level >> class diagrams. >It is, but these are defined in the business process model I am involved in the BP work group, working on business collaboration patterns. By that I mean, larger and longer business conversations composed of many documents and transactions with relationships between them. In this message I will use the pattern of supply chain materials management, typically composed of: Stage 1. set up - exchanging type or master information e.g. parties, products, locations Stage 2. long term, usually yearly, contracts Stage 3. short-term, often weekly, releases against the contracts Stage 4. shipments which fulfill the release commitments Stage 5. payments for the shipments In Vancouver, I had a number of discussions with core components people including Lisa Shreve and Martin Bryan about the relationships of business process models to information models. I then took those conversations back into BP discussions. Here are some of my findings: A. In business collaborations such as the one outlined above, there is a requirement for information consistency throughout the whole collaboration and also from stage-to-stage. The structure and representation must be the compatible, and also some of the values. For example, the products to be released in stage 3 must have been identified in stage 1 and contracted for in stage 2. B. At each stage, there is a small set of information elements that are really necessary to do business, for example, at the release stage: product, quantity, location, due date and time, etc., where etc. is dependent on other aspects of context. The necessary elements are somewhat different at each stage, but must be consistent with the information at other stages. C. There are relationships among the documents at each stage: for example, releases are constrained by the yearly contract; shipments must fulfill release commitments; payments must compensate for shipments. If these relationships do not hold (e.g. the payment does not cover the price of the shipment), there is a problem in the collaboration for which a remedy will be sought. The small set of information referred to in #B is what is needed to express the relationships among documents in different stages. In general, the relationships among documents and stages is given in Bill McCarthy's REA model, which is now embedded in the UN/CEFACT TMWG UMM (N090) metamodel, which is also the ebXML BP metamodel. We'll be fleshing this set of ideas out in some organizational form after ebXML - don't know where yet for sure. If interested, let me know. (Won't make the deadlines for ebXML.) Regards, Bob Haugen
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