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Subject: RE: Jon Bosak's suggestion that xCBL be adopted as the ebXML Busi nessDocument framework
Just one more comment... The Excel spreadsheet is simply the vehicle we use to capture the information. It is not the best, but Excel is something that everyone involved had on their laptop computers. The first step is a business process model. Not always UML, I admit, but a model of some sort. Not a spreadsheet, and not an EDIFACT dictionary or message. I suggest reading the latest submission on CC Discovery and Analysis. We tried to spell out the steps to follow to discover CCs. You always need to start with a model of the business process. Mary Kay -----Original Message----- From: Stuart Campbell [mailto:stuart.campbell@tieglobal.com] Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 4:00 PM To: 'Gregory, Arofan'; 'ebXML Core' Subject: RE: Jon Bosak's suggestion that xCBL be adopted as the ebXML Business Document framework Arofan Maybe you want to take some of this off-line before we start a personal takeover of the exploder so i'll be limited in my response , but it has been done with xCBL, albeit not in an open environment. ***if its open and adds value then im happy glib assertion that we can "auto-generate" schemas from what ebXML provides will be true. ***Unfortunately the current CC syntax modeling technique appears to be an excel spreadsheet - so this isnt a great start - i agree. However, putting ebXML to one side...if you have a strong methodology to make (UML) models for business information sets, and you have a strong design on the shape and structure of XML models (element, attribute argument etc) then you only need a strong methodology to convert between the two. Unfortunately there is a lot of gaps here as far as ebXML is concerned but they are being filled and no doubt they will be filled in the future whatever this holds. However, to say the whole process is glib is from my experience wholly wrong. There are several projects that prove this and i have already mentioned some I suspect that many initial attempts will share the failings of attempts to automatically translate the EDIFACT and X12 standards into XML: they abandon many of the best features of the new syntax in order to accomodate the old. We can do better than this, even if that involves some hand-crafting in the meantime. ***Again i agree, to simply XMLise EDIFACT by putting tags around it serves no one and most project like this now dont exist. However, if you take eg an EDIFACT message, reverse engineer it back to a model (fixing it as you go for the earlier messages ) and then go from here for 500 messages - then thats a great start. Indeed for 'later' EDIFACT messages such as those in health care they were already designed to be syntax independent from the start It may be we have to agree to disagree on this one: I think that xCBL provides a strong basis on which to begin this work, and Jon Bosak and many others have discussed the merits of this approach, and find it worth considering. Probably nothing will be perfect, but I believe the proposed approach is the best suggestion to date. ***I think you are right in the agree-to-disagree - but then again you are slightly biased in this area :-). However, this is not to say i think xCBL is a bad thing, i just dont think the parts of it i have examined up to date offer much above the underlying models of EDIFACT (however you do need a little imagination in this area!!) and certainly in terms of its scope it is minimal as the BP Business Process catalogue identifies - and thats just for trade messages. EDIFACT, X12 covers much more than just trade type aspects but moves into legal, healthcare , stats etc etc etc. No doubt xCBL could address this but some already do. Regards STUART ------------------------------------------------------------------ To unsubscribe from this elist send a message with the single word "unsubscribe" in the body to: ebxml-core-request@lists.ebxml.org
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