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Subject: Re: Getting Back to Basics - How to describe Dates and Times andEvents?
Todd Boyle gave examples of his new General Ledger models; see http://lists.ebxml.org/archives/ebxml-core/200104/msg00067.html. His <transactionDate> snippet still has remnants of specificity in the name - the "transaction" should be dropped from the label, or maybe it should be called <DateTime>. Todd is "...still not convinced to support multiple 8601 datetime formats, or the xsd:datetime strings." But he doesn't have to explicitly support multiple formats - the ISO 8601 Date Time format can unambiguously represent all sorts of dates, times, Date-Times or periods - there's no need for qualifiers. I suspect we can get by just defining a sub-element <value> as xsd:dateTime. If we just wanted a Date or a time by itself, xsd:date or xsd:time could be used - though I think that would require us to have to have separate, but very similar, <DateTime>, <Time> and <Date> types, each with the EDIFACT D.E. 2005 Qualifier. When I refer to composites or data elements (D.E.), you can follow along by looking in the Composite data element directory Batch (EDCD) or the Data element directory (EDED) at http://www.unece.org/trade/untdid/d01a/content.htm. The <docRef> example avoids having separate derivations for "invoiceNumber", "poNumber", etc. and instead uses something like Edifact 1153 strings: <docRef> <docType>Invoice</docType> (required) <docNum>ABC-12345</docNum> (required) </docRef> The <docType> element presumably is somehow derived from EDIFACT D.E. 1153. For simplicity, the ultimate type should use an EDIFACT code value (rather than the English name of the code). And documents are better described by D.E. 1001 (Document name code) as used in composite C002 DOCUMENT/MESSAGE NAME, rather than D.E. 1153 (Reference code qualifier) as used in the composite C506 REFERENCE. Todd's last example: <code> <codeList>DUNS</codeList> (required) <codeValue>999999999</codeValue> (required) </code> looks more like a Party ID based on a DUNS. So instead of the generic name <code>, it should be something like <PartyID>. The EDIFACT composite C082 PARTY IDENTIFICATION DETAILS depends exclusively on the ubiquitous 1131/3055 D.E. pair to specify the type of Party ID. For example, if you have D.E. 3055 Code list responsible agency code set to '9' - EAN (International Article Numbering association), it's clear that you're using a UCC/EAN GLN (Global Location Number - kind of like a D-U-N-S). Alternatively, if D.E. 3055 is '16', we're relying on Dun & Bradstreet to supply the DUNS. William J. Kammerer FORESIGHT Corp. 4950 Blazer Pkwy. Dublin, OH USA 43017-3305 +1 614 791-1600 Visit FORESIGHT Corp. at http://www.foresightcorp.com/ "accelerating time-to-trade"
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