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Subject: ebxml
Hi, I was going through the ebxml technical specs and i am interested in implementing a simple business transaction between two trading partners. I have one doubt. As an implementor what should i look first? I mean do I need to look into core and business libraries or the ebxml specification schema. How do they differ when comes to implementation part for an Organization. I have one more doubt In the below ProcessSpecificaton example: <ProcessSpecification name="TestReservationModel" uuid="[1234-5678-901234]" version="1.0"> <BusinessDocument name="ReservationRequest" specificationLocation="http://www.company.com/xml/docume- nt1.xsd"/> the schema document1.xsd(in specificationLocation) , is it the one we retrieve from the ebxml registry?? I would be glad if anyone can help me in this regard. Thank You Bharath
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