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Subject: Re: real life problem
There have been several replies on this topic, but I would like to point out clearly that you have two separate issues to address. 1) Your customer's supplier wants to use EDI and your customer wants to use XML. 2) Your customer wants to communicate using the Internet rather than an EDI VAN. As has been pointed out: 1) Your customer can do XML and have a third party do the XML<->EDI transformation for the supplier. 2) Your customer can certainly do EDI over the Internet if they don't want to use an EDI VAN. They may either be able to convince their supplier to also go this route, or find a third party who will do the interconnect to the supplier's VAN. The only thing that might be awkward is if your customer wants to do both XML *and* over the Internet, since they would need to find a third party (or parties) to do both the XML<->EDI transformation and the interconnect. Certainly possible, but more complicated. -- Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting www.rawlinsecconsulting.com
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