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At the first meeting of the OASIS Universal Business Language Technical Committee, hosted the week of 29 October 2001 by Sun Microsystems, TC members formed several subcommittees (SCs) to accomplish their goal of defining a common XML business document library. In keeping with the completely open nature of the OASIS TC process, the work of each subcommittee can be monitored through its public mail list archive. - The OASIS UBL Library Content SC, chaired by Tim McGrath with Marion Royal as vice chair, has been chartered to rapidly develop standard XML business library content by taking an existing library as a starting point and modifying it to incorporate the best features of other existing business and core component libraries. LCSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-lcsc - The OASIS UBL Context Methodology SC, chaired by Matt Gertner, has been chartered to develop a methodology and tools for applying context to the core library of generic business information entities (BIEs) in order to produce contextualized BIEs and to develop initial machine-readable descriptions of context rules in the service of helping the Library Content SC do its work. CMSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-cmsc - The OASIS UBL Context Drivers SC, chaired by Sue Probert, will work on improvement and further development of the context drivers and their values. CDSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-cdsc - The OASIS UBL Naming and Design Rules SC, chaired by Eve Maler, will recommend to the TC rules and guidelines for normative-form schema design, instance design, and markup naming and will be responsible for further maintenance of the design principles that were specified in the report of the UBL Group Planning Committee. NDRSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ndrsc - The OASIS UBL Tools and Techniques SC, chaired by Arofan Gregory, will evaluate and recommend to the TC tools and techniques to be used in the development, quality assurance, documentation, maintenance, and revision of the UBL XML data formats, and will write and maintain guidelines reflecting these recommendations. TTSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-ttsc - The OASIS UBL Liaison Subcommittee, chaired by Jon Bosak, will receive requests for input from SCs, negotiate review schedules with cooperating organizations, collect and organize formal input from cooperating organizations, convey input to the requesting SCs, and propose policies regarding the relationship of the UBL TC to other organizations for consideration by the TC. LSC archive: http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl-lsc OASIS UBL SCs for Administration and Marketing were also formed, but no members have been appointed yet. Minutes of the first OASIS UBL TC meeting can be found at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ubl/200111/msg00005.html OASIS hosts an open mail list, ubl-comment, for public comment on UBL. Subscription to the ubl-comment list is available to the public through the OASIS mail list manager at http://lists.oasis-open.org/ob/adm.pl UBL (Universal Business Language) is an open initiative to define a common XML library for business documents like purchase orders and invoices. UBL will provide a set of XML building blocks and a framework that will enable trading partners to unambiguously identify and exchange business documents in specific contexts. UBL will unite and harmonize a number of currently existing XML and EDI business libraries. The arrival of a standard set of XML business schemas will solve major interoperability problems for both vendors and users. UBL is intended to complement the work of the UN/OASIS ebXML initiative and to jump-start the entry of small and medium-size businesses into the electronic marketplace. UBL will be freely available to the public without licensing or other fees. OASIS member organizations represented on the OASIS UBL TC currently include Commerce One, HP, Oracle, SAP, Sun Microsystems, and VerticalNet. The TC also includes a number of individual OASIS members. Participation in the UBL TC and its subcommittees is open to all OASIS members; information on joining OASIS in posted on http://www.oasis-open.org/join. ____________________________________________ Carol Geyer Director of Communications OASIS carol.geyer@oasis-open.org Tel: +1 978.667.5115 x209 OASIS http://www.oasis-open.org XML.ORG http://xml.org XML Cover Pages http://xml.coverpages.org ebXML http://www.ebXML.org CGM Open http://www.cgmopen.org
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