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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] RosettaNet, was ebMS TR&P and EDI-INT AS2

Your best bet is to check out rosettanet.org

In short, RN started off as an effort in the electronics manufacturing 
distribution industry to try and standardize certain business practices (like 
updating electronic parts catalogs) in order to reduce costs and improve cycle 
times for everyone involved.

Later, it expanded back into the electronics manufacturing supply chain and then 
tried to move on to other vertical industries.

However, they weren't really set up to do that, and ebXML was getting going 
around that time also with a goal of trying to develop a base infrastructure 
that could then be used across multiple verticles.

Over time, the RN folks seemed to conclude that they would be better off 
focusing on their core competencies in their domain of expertise and leave 
definition of the tecnical standards to a more appropriate standards bodies.

Hense, you have the current situation where multiple industry orgs like RN, 
Auto, Healthcare, Travel, etc., seem to be moving toward adopting ebXML for a 
common infrastructure.

Hope that helps.



>Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 18:26:12 +1100
>From: ankur <ankur@ssl.co.in>
>Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] ebMS TR&P and EDI-INT AS2
>To: bhaugen <linkage@interaccess.com>, ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
> can any one help me in understanding RosettaNet
>-----Original Message-----
>From: bhaugen [mailto:linkage@interaccess.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 11:45 PM
>To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
>Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] ebMS TR&P and EDI-INT AS2
>From: Eckenfels. Bernd 
>>There is no AS2 / ebXML Interop (there is no AS2 / BizTalk InterOp,
>>there is no Biztalk / RosettaNet Interop, ...) 
>Actually, Microsoft announced earlier this year that Biztalk
>will support RosettaNet.  Since ebXML is basically the
>next generation of RosettaNet, that means Biztalk ebXML
>support is not much of a stretch.
>(Disclaimer: I have no idea how much of the MSFT announcement
>was real and how much was vapor...)
>-Bob Haugen
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Peter Kacandes

Sr. Product Manager, Java XML APIs	phone number: 	408 276 7139, X17139
Java Software Products 			email:	peter.kacandes@sun.com

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