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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] RE: [EDI-L] Article on ebXML Core Components

Hi - This is my first post to this very informative newsgroup.

1. I am currently generating some requirements for a repository. One of the
candidates I was looking at was the ebXML Registry Specs, which I see are
free. After reading this post I was wondering if anyone knows of other
approaches to Repositories/Registries that are based on Industry Standards
which scale to the enterprise level. In other words if the ebXML Spec will
not gain a popular following, what do you think will?

2. Does the OAGI's support to transport the OAGIS over ebXML make any
difference with how well ebXML will be received into the business community?

3. Does it appear to anyone that a full implementation of ebXML that uses
SOAP for messaging would migrate quite nicely to Web Services?


Brian Aingworth   
Software Engineer
Lockheed Martin Systems Integration
1801 State Route 17C, MS 0605
Owego, NY 13827 
Phone: 607-751-2071
Fax: 607-751-2538
email: brian.aingworth@lmco.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel Foerster [mailto:rachelf@ix.netcom.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:11 PM
To: mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com; 'edi-l'; 'ebxml-dev'; 'XML/EDI'
Subject: [ebxml-dev] RE: [EDI-L] Article on ebXML Core Components


Just now finished reading your last article. As with all of your previous
articles, it's well written, concise and to the point. I also believe you've
hit the nail squarely on the head on this topic.....will the experiment
succeed (and be capable of being reproduced with consistent results by
others) or will it end up on the lab floor. I tend to think that events
outside of the CC work in UN/CEFACT may well relegate this brave new
experiment to the dust bin. Only the future knows.......

Good job. Don't stop writing articles on topics pertinent to electronic

Rachel Foerster
Rachel Foerster & Associates, Ltd.
Professionals in EDI & Electronic Commerce
39432 North Avenue
Beach Park, IL 60099
Phone: 847-872-8070
Fax: 847-872-6860

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rawlins [mailto:mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 5:45 PM
To: edi-l; ebxml-dev; XML/EDI
Subject: [EDI-L] Article on ebXML Core Components

I've just posted the next to last article in my series on ebXML - A
Critical Analysis.  You may find "ebXML Core Components - the master
data dictionary?" at the URL below.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting

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