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Subject: RE: [ebxml-dev] gorilla hair vs. beach balls

This should not be expressed in only in terms of benefit, but also "what
do you need to carry out business transactions" over the internet. Some
people may already have passed the decision point about using the
internet for doing business (benefits), however there is a lot of
confusion on how. 

One could argue that that a good old fax machine and a state of the art
OCR, which can read the XML content faxed back and forth, is far from
enough. Your CPP is your fax number. All you want is there: robust
security, non-repudiation, guaranteed delivery, ... why spend more?

There are several also forms of B2B, it would be good to sort benefits
and requirements based on what is it you want to do. Zoe's Pizza does
not have the same need as GM, though GM might buy some Pizza's from Zoë.



>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: bhaugen [mailto:linkage@interaccess.com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 8:46 PM
>>To: Martin W Sachs
>>Cc: ebtwg-bcp@lists.ebtwg.org; 'ebXML-dev List (E-mail)'
>>Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] gorilla hair vs. beach balls
>>From: Martin W Sachs
>>> If so, those two pieces should be used to build a separate white
>>> rather than being hidden among the TC-specific information in the
>>> Requirements and Technical Architecture documents. In the process of
>>> building that white paper, it may become clear whether the content
>>> suitable for both business people and developers or whether it is
>>still too
>>> technical for business people and not technical enough for
>>I think we need two separate approaches:
>>* business benefits for business people
>>* developer benefits for developer people.
>>Both should be short and sweet and memorable.
>>Written by good communicators.
>>Spec writers don't seem to be good communicators.
>>(Although there are exceptions.)
>>-Bob Haugen
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>>manager: <http://lists.ebtwg.org/ob/adm.pl>

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