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Subject: RE: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML

Hi Regis,

That is a way old article.

The ebXML profile in JAXM is only 1.0. The ebXML MS specs are now 2.0, so the 
JAXM profile is out of date and should not be used.

Sun has a 2.0 implementation that is currently participating in the Drummond 

We would strongly encourage developers to use that implementation once the 
testing is complete.

best regards


>Content-return: allowed
>Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 15:02:51 +0200
>From: Regis Dubois <Regis.Dubois@valtech.fr>
>Subject: RE: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML
>To: "Yader, Mark (GXS)" <Mark.Yader@gxs.ge.com>
>Cc: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
>MIME-version: 1.0
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>Is it totally foolish to try to implement its own ebMS implementation (using
>JAXM ans JDOM for instance)?
>this article gives a nice kickstart for those who want to try:
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : Yader, Mark (GXS) [mailto:Mark.Yader@gxs.ge.com]
>Envoyé : mardi 10 septembre 2002 14:44
>À : Vijay Sing
>Cc : ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
>Objet : RE: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML
>Despite your bad experience with ebXML, I hope you would consider joining
>the ebXML User Council (if you still have an open mind about it). We are
>interested in any and all feedback about ebXML user experiences. It can only
>help us improve the standards and the products.
>There are over 10 major B2B/EAI vendors (and several potential users)
>currently performing interoperability testing of their ebXML MS v2.0
>capabilities: http://www.drummondgroup.com/html-v2/test-calendar.html
><http://www.drummondgroup.com/html-v2/test-calendar.html> . 
>Based on the results from similar conformance/interoperability testing of
>AS2 products, I fully expect that the quality of theses products will
>improve SIGNIFICANTLY after that testing is completed in the next 1-2 months
>Concerning Gartner, I respect the people they employ, but their predictions
>are generally 2 -5 years out and I really wonder how often their predictions
>are "tested" for accuracy. I don't think Gartner's predictions about
>(revenue generated from) Business Process Integration and Web Services were
>necessarily on-target. The B2B market, in my opinion, is in a "hold" pattern
>waiting for the economy to improve.
>Feel free to contact me. 
>Mark Yader 
>Interim Chairperson 
>ebXML User Council 
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Vijay Sing [ mailto:vijay__sing@hotmail.com
><mailto:vijay__sing@hotmail.com> ] 
>Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 11:38 PM 
>To: dick@tech-comm.com; mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com; 
>Subject: RE: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML 
>Dear Sir, 
>Your words, you know, are very inflamatory and insensitive. 
>If ebxml is so grand, and has no difficulties, can you tell 
>me why then sir do Gartners are not so interested ? 
>Surely they are good people, with good reputations. 
>Thank you anyway, 
>Vijay Sing 
>>From: Dick Brooks <dick@tech-comm.com> 
>>To: "Michael C. Rawlins" <mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com>, 
>>Subject: RE: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML 
>>Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 17:23:51 -0700 
>>Vijay seems to be blaming ebXML for his problems. There are plenty of 
>>using ebXML's Message Service without any difficulty. 
>>Perhaps Vijay should consider another vendor. 
>>Dick Brooks 
>>Systrends, Inc 
>>7855 South River Parkway, Suite 111 
>>Tempe, Arizona 85284 
>>Web: www.systrends.com < http://www.systrends.com
><http://www.systrends.com> > 
>>-----Original Message----- 
>>From: Michael C. Rawlins [ mailto:mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com
><mailto:mike@rawlinsecconsulting.com> ] 
>>Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 5:09 PM 
>>To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org 
>>Subject: Re: Fwd: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML 
>>I guess we can't count on Vijay to join the ebXML User Council. ;^) 
>>At 11:57 PM 9/9/02 +0000, Vijay Sing wrote: 
>> >Hi Brian, 
>> > 
>> >Yes but I've been testing some of the ebxml messaging software 
>> >myself here in India and I don't find it to be that reliable. 
>> > 
>> >In my factory (we have over 220 workers), our technical chap 
>> >could not get ebxml to work no matter how hard he tried. So I 
>> >fired him in the end. 
>> > 
>> >When I first heard about ebxml I thought, wow, sounds to be 
>> >a wonderful thing. But after all this time, it's still so hard 
>> >to get to work. What can anyone say to that ? 
>> > 
>> >Anyway, we have life to live and what sort of life is to be 
>> >always waiting, waiting, waiting.. 
>> > 
>> >You can inform me if you find very nice other programs on 
>> >Gartner CD. 
>> > 
>> >Thank you kindly sir 
>> > 
>> >Vijay Sing 
>> > 
>> >>----------  Forwarded Message  ---------- 
>> >> 
>> >>Subject: [ebxml-dev] Gartner and ebXML 
>> >>Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 11:55:48 -0500 
>> >>From: Brian Repko <brian_repko@hotmail.com> 
>> >>To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org 
>> >> 
>> >>ebXML developers: 
>> >> 
>> >>Please forward to the marketing forum if more appropriate 
>> >>to be there, but I just read through all the presentations 
>> >>that are on the latest Gartner CD for Application Integration. 
>> >>There was little to no mention of ebXML even in spots where 
>> >>it should be mentioned ("there is no standard for reliable 
>> >>messaging with web services"). 
>> >> 
>> >>ebXML is clearly NOT winning mindshare with Gartner and if 
>> >>you don't get to them, then you don't get to people that can 
>> >>make business decisions about it. 
>> >> 
>> >>Brian Repko 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> >_________________________________________________________________ 
>> >Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
>> > 
>> > 
>> >---------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> >The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS. 
>> >To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription 
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>>Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EC Consulting 
>>The ebxml-dev list is sponsored by OASIS. 
>>To subscribe or unsubscribe from this elist use the subscription 
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Peter Kacandes

Sr. Product Manager, Java XML APIs	phone number: 	408 276 7139, X17139
Java Software Products 			email:	peter.kacandes@sun.com

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