As for the use of CoreComponents, OAGIS 8.1 Beta which is also available
for public review from the site, includes full support
for CCTS 1.90.
I hope this helps to specifically answer your questions.
From: Andrzej Jan Taramina []
Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:53 AM
Subject: RE: [ebXML-dev] UBL versus OAGI
Thanks for all the info....but maybe I didn't
pose my question as specifically as
I should have.
How much overlap in
payload documents is there between UBL and OAG
BOD's? Let's leave off
the question of what fine-grained components these
documents are built from
(CC's), or the political structures of the organizations,
since my interest
is regarding the actual business documents themselves.
I know that OAG
provides XML schema definitions (BODs) for documents like
Purchase Orders,
ASN's, Invoices and more.
Does UBL provide similar document
schemas? And if so, how much overlap
is there in the offerings?
If there is an overlap, how compatible would a UBL
PO be with an OAG PO
BOD? If there is a significant overlap, it raises the
question of why
we need two document standards?
Or has UBL delivered only CC's which are
the fine-grained building blocks that
can (should) be used to create complete
business documents?
......Andrzej (without enough
time to go an research UBL deliverables)
> Good question.
OAGIS has a core component working team that you can join
> by going
Both OAGIS XML and UBL will be contributing their core component work to
UN/CEFACT. Both are built by not-for-profit consortiums with open
processes and Royalty-Free IP Policies.
> UBL is quite new as you
know, and OAGI has been building their library of
> core components since
1995 and have customers running OAGIS XML live in at
> least 40 countries
around the world. OAGIS XML is a solution today for
> thousands of
users and is quite rich in functionality. OAGIS XML is
> perhaps the
leading business language for ebXML implementations today and
> is being
deployed all over the world as such.
> OAGI has been working with
ebXML & UN/CEFACT since ebXML was formed as UBL
> is now working with
UN/CEFACT. OAGIS donated their entire body of OAGIS
> XML work to
ebXML in 2001 and OAGIS was recently elected as a
> Participating
International User Group to the MoU on e-Business Standards,
> which is
run by the four worlds de jure standards bodies. UBL's parent
organization is also a part of the user group like OAGIS.
Although there seems to be overlap in the efforts, usually the more
> people working on something the better and as UN/CEFACT moves
> harmonizing CC efforts, both OAGIS XML and UBL will make
> contributions, along with others who choose to do
Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System
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