I also would like to publish the name of the ebXML Contributors that the TMG has removed from the document that was submitted to the TMG by the editorial team. All these individuals have provided countless hours of work to achieve this result. This specification belongs to both the user community and themselves, far more than it belongs to the UN/CEFACT TMG and Klaus Noujok.
I also would like to reflect on a sentence of the press release: "Version 1.1 [was] prepared
under the UN/CEFACT Open Development Process." The TMG work is all but open. It is obscure and constantly manipulated by a few individuals.
tel: 425-649-6584
Cell: 508-333-7634
ebXML BPSS 1.1 Contributors (This was the text that was removed from the submission by Naujok).
Project Team Lead
Brian Hayes (Project Lead), Collaborative Domain
Dave Welsh (Project Lead), Microsoft
Pallavi Malu, Intel Corporation (Project Editor, Issues, XML Schema)
Monica Martin, SUN Microsystems (Project Editor, Issues)
Jean-Jacques Dubray, attachmate: (Editor)
Martin Roberts, British Telecom (Editor, XML Schema)
Himagiri (Hima) Mukkamala, Sybase: (Editor, Signal structures)
Dale Moberg, CycloneCommerce, (CPPA liaison)
Antoine Lonjon, MEGA International("Transaction Result Computation Diagram")
Ed Buchinski, Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada: (Security)
Arvola Chan, Tibco: (OASIS ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement)
David Smiley, Mercator: (OASIS ebXML Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement)
Randy Clark, Baker Hughes
Jim Clark, Microsoft
James Bryce Clark, McLure-Moynihan
Karsten Riemer, Sun Microsystems
Larrisa Leybovich, Larrisa Leybovich Consulting
Bob Haugen, Logistical Software
Anders W. Tell, Toolsmiths
Suresh Damodaran, Sterling Commerce
John Yunker, Collaborative Domain
3 ebXML Participants
The authors wish to recognize the following for their significant participation in developing the Business Process Specification Schema, Version 1.01.
Paul Levine, Telcordia
Jim Clark, E2Open - previously Edifecs: (Transaction Semantics)
Cory Casanave, Data Access Technologies: (UML model)
Kurt Kanaskie, Lucent Technologies: (DTD and Examples)
Betty Harvey, Electronic Commerce Connection: (DTD documentation)
Jamie Clark, McLure-Moynihan, Inc.: (Legal aspects)
Neal Smith, Chevron: (Issues Lists, and W3C schema)
John Yunker, Edifecs: (Signal structures)
Karsten Riemer, Sun Microsystems: (Overall Document)
Antoine Lonjon, Mega
J.J. Dubray, Excelon
Bob Haugen, Logistical Software
Bill McCarthy, Michigan State University
Brian Hayes, CommerceOne
Nita Sharma, Netfish
David Welsh, Nordstrom
Christopher Ferris, Sun Microsystems
Antonio Carrasco, Data Access Technologies
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrzej Jan Taramina [mailto:andrzej@chaeron.com]
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 7:02 AM
To: ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
Cc: knaujok@attglobal.net
Subject: Re: UN/CEFACT announces release of its ebXML Business Process Specification Schema V1.1
Klaus announced with breathless anticipation:
> UN/CEFACT announces release of its ebXML Business Process
> Specification
> Schema V1.1
How about a quick synopsis of what's new/changed in V1.1? That would be very
useful, rather than having to comb through a detailed spec doc.
Andrzej Jan Taramina
Chaeron Corporation: Enterprise System Solutions http://www.chaeron.com