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RE: Development Guide

Mr. Abdul Rahman:

Take a look at ebXML Forum (http://www.ebxmlforum.org/) that has case
studies of ebXML applications. It also has a resources page
(http://www.ebxmlforum.org/articles/ebfor_resources.html) with a list of
open-source software.  Good luck.

Alan Kotok
Editor, ebXML Forum, http://www.ebxmlforum.org/

"Abdul Rahman, Nazlihasri" <nazli@mimos.my> wrote:

>Dear ebXML members, 
>My team is developing a portal for agriculture industry to enable online
>trading between members at a free cost. My role is to study ebXML
>whether it is applicable or relevant to our portal. 
>Previously I was a RosettaNet standard engineer who actually builds
>RosettaNet standards known as Partner Interface Process (PIP). However, I
>found out RosettaNet is not applicable as it is focusing on vertical
>industry such as Electrical and Electronic. 
>My current assignment is by the end of the day, I have to make a
>recommendation to my superior whether to pursue this ebXML research or
>it. If to pursue, I would like to know what are the steps required to
>develop a web based application using ebXML. Please tell me for instance
>what are the APIs required. Is there any open source available? Immediate
>response is very much appreciated. Thanks. 
>Nazlihasri Abdul Rahman
>MIMOS Berhad
>Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
>Tel: +603 89965000 ext 6444

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