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Subject: Re: [ebxml-dev] RE: [ubl-dev] Q: What mime type for UBL/ebxml with smtp ?

Sounds fine,

ok, just remember, rtfm/stupid wasn't a serious suggestion :-)

something more like commerce/ubl commerce/ebxml might be better choices. 

Then again, ebxml/Invoice, ebxml/Order ubl/OrderChange etc, following previous
UBL names might be more consistant with what has already been done. 

Anyway, Keep up the good work !


Quoting MCRAWFORD@lmi.org:

> David,
> We have no official UBL mime type.  I will however add this to our
> agenda for next weeks F2F and see if we can give you some "official"
> guidance. 
> Mark
> Mark R. Crawford
> Senior Research Fellow - LMI XML Lead
> W3C Advisory Committee, OASIS, RosettaNet Representative
> Vice Chair - OASIS UBL TC & Chair Naming and Design Rules Subcommittee
> Chair - UN/CEFACT XML Syntax Working Group
> Editor - UN/CEFACT Core Components
> LMI Government Consulting
> 2000 Corporate Ridge
> McLean, VA 22102-7805
> 703.917.7177 Phone
> 703.655.4810 Wireless
> The opportunity to make a difference has never been greater. 
> www.lmi.org <http://www.lmi.org>  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: david.lyon@computergrid.net [mailto:david.lyon@computergrid.net] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 11:01 PM
> To: Stephen Green
> Cc: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org; ebxml-dev@lists.ebxml.org
> Subject: [ubl-dev] Q: What mime type for UBL/ebxml with smtp ?
> Anybody,
> I know the answer is probably rtfm/stupid but I thought I'd just check
> with any experts first as they might know an answer off the top of their
> heads.
> Just trying to put together some ubl test data and I want to pull in UBL
> acknowledgements with a mail utility from a pop mailbox. no probs in
> that..
> but is there a mime type for UBL yet?
> or is the best way just to stick all the acknowledgment documents in a
> directory with some kind of xpath and go from there?
> Then, anybody know how to quickly determine the document type for an
> acknowledgement? say an OrderResponse.
> My preference for an answer would be XPath/Perl, but any other language
> would probably do.
> <UBL>only about 113,000 unique xpath elements to deal with; so little
> time to test them all</UBL>
> David
> -------------------------------------------------------


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