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A UBL Customisation (beta) for general use

I'm happy to say, on behalf of SystML, we have finished a beta
customisation of UBL versions 1.0 and 2.0 which is freely available


for use at your own risk. We hope you will provide feedback which
could go to us at


It was produced by SystML and by HavanaWave AG

Obviously, it being at the beta stage, it is subject to possible
change (though we'd bear in mind that we should consider possible
users when contemplating any change) and how you use it is up to
you provided you do so at your own risk. Maybe if this is all
sufficiently satisfactory we will find the means to preserve it,
long term, as it is (perhaps just changing the status to 'complete').
Zip packages are provided for those who prefer the possible extra
security of storing it locally (much as you would with the source
code of opensource, say).

I'm very grateful to all who've helped us with this project to get
it to this stage - to God and to colleagues : Thanks.  :-)

All the best

Stephen Green

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