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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] 9/26/2002: Gartner and Plans
Todd Margo and I are working on an ebXML adoption summary that could support this. In addition, weren't the individual subteam's plans to achieve the goals you cite? Can we discuss as it relates to our resources, structure and current plans in the next meeting (Thursday, 3 October)? Thanks. Monica -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal [mailto:Gnosis_@compuserve.com] Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 9:37 AM To: ebXML Mkt Steering Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] Gartner et al Team, I was talking today with someone who uses the Gartner services. They are not the typical client - as they probably know alot more than most analysts! Consequently they ask much tougher questions. Anyway the bottom line is that the realization is that Gartner is not looking to promote an open architecture like ebXML, but rather their own architecture, and consulting services driven off that to their clients! This of course raises a different set of issues to what we had originally foreseen in engaging with Gartner. The other realization is that Gartner does not understand what the ebXML stack delivers. And aligned with this is the fact that they have vendor clients who want to sell technology as solutions. In the big picture of making better integration and interoperability thru improved methodology and paradigm - we see that this message is only sporadically penetrating. A classic example is W3C XSD Schema - here is technology being positioned as the integration solution. It is not. It was never designed for this role, and it has serious and numerous shortcomings. Its OK for what it is designed for - describing the possible permutations that can occur for given XML structure. The ebXML assembly approach solves the pieces of the puzzle that XSD cannot deliver, and provides the means to expand above and beyond where XSD leaves off. Yes - we do have materials that document this - and we need to get those out there. How many Gartner analysts understand that today? Or any other analysts for that matter!? This situation I would now elevate to RED CRITICAL status. I believe we need to urgently move on our work to reach out to analysts. Can we have this as a focus for next two weeks? Action items. 1) PPT materials that show the rationale and approach behind the ebXML architecture. 2) Draw up list of analysts we can reach thru our combined contracts and contacts. 3) Draw up schedule and "roadshow" to present to them over next month. 4) Build our team and team calendar of who is available. 5) Look at upcoming conference schedule so we can combine this with analyst sessions at shows. Any other thoughts here on ways to approach this and get this job done? On the bright side - Gartner was quoted in the sessions as saying that "ebXML appears to be gathering momentum", but did not say more than that - such as what ebXML delivers etc. Thanks, DW.
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