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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] FW: ebxml-mktg-user subscribers
Mark, I notice someone from e-centre. Occurs to me - they have user members... Ditto - folks like OAG, DISA et al. What we need here is a story to bring folks in. Another option - thinking deviously here - is to take a different tack. The user folks are actually out there on things like the XML/edi Group. So really what you may think about is re-casting yourselves as outreach and a steering group. Taking content and such to groups like the XML/edi Group, e-center, OAG and presenting to them on ebXML. Mohammed has to go to the mountain. There are over 2,000 people on that one list alone. Then there is EDI-L and others we can reach out to with maybe a bi-weekly bulletin - user organization focused materials and news.... DW. =================================================== Message text written by "Yader, Mark (GXS)" > BTW, some of you were interested in who had signed up for the User Council,.....here is the list of e-mail addresses....... Mark -----Original Message----- From: ebxml-mktg-user-help@lists.ebxml.org [mailto:ebxml-mktg-user-help@lists.ebxml.org] Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 5:49 PM To: Yader, Mark (GXS) Subject: ebxml-mktg-user subscribers justin.webster@e-centre.org.uk <
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