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Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] 1/2/2003: ebXML PPT Revised Comments
Dave. Good effort. Comments: Note: Placed a few inline with different color (golden orange). Put user implementations before vendor products. Put statements rather than questions in eBusiness portion at start. Wouldn't business challenges be levels of size and then of perspective: B2B, A2B, A2A? (Slide 8) Break slide 8 into two slides for large and small-medium perspective. This is more focused on technology not business challenges. Business challenges would be lowering costs, increasing productivity, more effectively communicating with trading partners (via technology that is flexible, extensible, and can accommodate complex or simple business collaborations). On Slide 10, suggest there is a layer above data which is perhaps 'process' or 'collaboration' at the top of the pyramid. On Slide 20, suggest you shorten this - see inline. On Slide 25, best speak to UMM. On Slide 35, '(and long-term consistency)' - where does this fall - with info quality? Also, can we discuss context as well as content assembly, right? On Slide 36, need to put some details on choreography to show the synergy and potential interoperability between ebXML and WS - this may be perceived as A vs. B. On Slide 38, need to add some of the Pacific Rim or European vendors - Software AG, XENI, POSDATA, etc. On Slide 39, too busy!!!! Text could be verbal or touched upon. **Slides 41-42 - Need more details for me here for Adoption Update as some are only POC, planned, etc.** On Slide 43, add 24x7 steel, Open eXchange, to start. On Slide 44, STAR has had a hard time with security - they are not ready for digital signatures and the security overhead. Should we qualify here? Rename Slide 54, to ebXML Registry Vision. On Specification developments, need to cite release of CPP/CPPA 2. specification. What about UBL? On Slide 56, we need to discuss the positioning on timing and plans - most companies and organizations today realize they have to deliver results in 12 months or less. Perhaps we show that ebXML can support an iterative approach that is allocated into manageable projects. Thoughts? On Slide 57, turn arrow up and turn the text over (Maturity should go Up!). Thanks. Monica -----Original Message----- From: David RR Webber - XMLGlobal [mailto:Gnosis_@compuserve.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 2:15 PM To: ebXML Mkt Steering Subject: [ebxml-mktg-sc] ebXML PPT revised Team, Attached is the PPT. I've made some changes and enhancements. I'm definately through fiddling with this version! Can we do some quick wordsmithing on anything really glaring - but otherwise agree to post this to the site and move on to the next? Get feedback and then improve from there. Obviously the approach this time is to give people a smorgsborg of slides - that they can then refine to their own message for the audience and focus they are presenting to. Comments, thoughts? We should also think about our next conference call. Best wishes for the Nee Year. DW.
Description: ebXMLDraftPresentation_Webber_123102_mm1_010203.zip
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