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Subject: W3C patents
The W3C procedure amazes me. In the internal voting on this - there was a lot of negative votes - including rejections - with reasons, and then accept but with modifications, and from significant large companies, not just small ones. Anyway - low and behold - the policy passes anyway! In OASIS this would have had to go back around for review and changes before being re-submitted. Kudos to OASIS for having a better procedure - but in the meantime there's going to be some unhappy campers here! DW. Message text written by "dee schur" >W3C Readies New Tech Patent Policy Carol Sliwa, Computerworld The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is poised to unveil a formal policy for dealing with technology patents that have the potential to block the development of interoperable Web standards. W3C's Daniel Weitzner said the policy drafted by the working group reflects the "overwhelming goal" of producing standards that can be implemented royalty-free. But the group also included an exception provision that will make it possible for members to consider alternate licensing terms when it's deemed impossible to meet the royalty-free goal. http://www.computerworld.com/developmenttopics/development/webdev/story/0,1 0 801,81309,00.html <
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