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Subject: RE: [ebxml-mktg] Gartner & ebXML again
Steve, Some Gartner analysts here in the US have a more balanced view point. I'll send you a pre-release of our ebXML Adoption document in a minute. The official copy will come out on Thursday PM (tomorrow ). I think you will be gob-smacked to see just how much work Australia is doing with ebXML - in fact probably THE leader in Asia. So how wrong can these other Gartner people be? VERY VERY WRONG! They've had to climb down before and recant. So I believe when they see the huge body of evidence we've amassed on ebXML they will realize that if its so complex - its odd so many people are doing it and getting it right! And not only that - but the continuing work is thriving and a year ahead of other work in delivering real mission critical technology for internet based e-business. What has been happening is a lot of slick money being thrown at people to call the plays. Hardly objective reviews by people that work for companies that are being paid huge sums from clients that somehow want more control of information technology directions; and when you pay the piper, you call the tune. This is I believe the single biggest and most compelling reason for markets like Europe, Asia / Pacific to adopt ebXML. Finally here is technology that they can take and purpose and guide and contribute to - instead of having to eat other peoples' dog food. A useful perspective, if you want to see Gartner brought to task for silly pronouncements can be found at: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,633382,00.asp How does the saying go? "We're not always right, but we're never wrong!" The problem is that the average CIO is in panic mode and in the target spotlight. They have two years tops to show the next level of ROI, using whoknowswhatwondertechnology. I've been applying grey matter to coming up with a checklist for CIOs to use to ask not just serious ROI questions, but also to figure out what they want technology to really do to help their business. Once you have a firm grasp on that - its very much easier to make objective technology decisions. That PPT is upcoming next week hopefully....in draft right now. Unfortunately the marketeers assume they can sell software like cars, gotta have the latest model with chromed coffee cup holders....and last years story is just somehow tarnished already. Cheers, DW. ========================================================== Message text written by Steve Capell > Unfortunately Gartner presented ebXML in a very negative light (too complex, will never catch on, etc, etc). Whether deserved or not, Gartner does represent a "trusted authority" on these issues so their comments are taken very seriously. The consequence for the ebXML effort in Australia is not good and I will probably have to think about re-positioning ebXML myself (I just cant fight Microsoft, IBM, Gartner, etc on my own..). <
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