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Subject: Re: [ebxml-mktg] Gartner & ebXML again
I recently participated in the Gartner EAI/WS conference in Chicago, and I did not see a lot of negativity in the positioning of ebXML. There definitely are differing opinions within Gartner,, but my experience has been positive with those analysts who understand the B2B and integration market spaces. The challenge facing the ebXML community within the analyst community is the demonstration of sufficient critical mass in the market to validate its market acceptance as a standard. In my view Gartner ,has actually become more positive as the standard has matured. We brought a customer to the Gartner EAI/WS conference to present their implementation of ebXML and received positive feedback. It's critical that all participants in the ebXML effort continue to encourage exposure of successes in the marketplace, especially within the analyst community. Rather than fighting the Web Services hype cycle, my view is that we should be better aligning both the technology and market strategies, and recognize that there will be areas of misunderstanding or bias that will only be overcome by proven market acceptance. I'm sure some have heard the Gartner quote about ebXML as being the "OSI of Web Services", so I don't want to leave the impression that there is not a negative viewpoint from some analysts within Gartner. The analysts that cover Web Services generally present a less positive perspective, so I'd recommend that you point customers to analysts more focused on B2B and EAI issues. If you're lookiing to specific Gartner analysts to help in presenting a "fair" view to your customers, I would encourage you to work with Jess Thompson, Deborah Hess, Daid McCoy and others who have published, in my opinion, balanced perspectives on ebXML within Gartner. Some references you may want to pass on with ebXML mentions in Garnter research are: ebXML Specifications Are Complete, Adoption Under Way Driving Web Services Success in Vertical Markets UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) and Web Services: Perspective Architectures for HIPAA Compliance For those who would like more background on what Sybase is doing in this area, I'd recommend looking at the information published at our open source areas where we've made our implementation of the ebXML available: http://www.sybase.com/developer/opensource Thanks, Bob Breton Senior Director, Product Strategy Sybase eBusiness Division 925-236-5889 510-589-1668 (cell) 925-236-6176 (fax) breton@sybase.com Steve Capell <steve.capell@red To: ebxml-mktg@lists.ebxml.org wahoo.com> cc: Subject: [ebxml-mktg] Gartner & ebXML again 11/13/2002 01:49 PM Hello all, Gartner is running a 5 day symposium in Sydney right now. I am not attending but some of my customers (industry and government) are present. I have spent some time over the last year convincing my customers that ebXML provides a solid foundation for scalable interoperability and that their B2B strategy should be based on ebXML principles. Unfortunately Gartner presented ebXML in a very negative light (too complex, will never catch on, etc, etc). Whether deserved or not, Gartner does represent a "trusted authority" on these issues so their comments are taken very seriously. The consequence for the ebXML effort in Australia is not good and I will probably have to think about re-positioning ebXML myself (I just cant fight Microsoft, IBM, Gartner, etc on my own..). I have yet to meet a "technology analyst" that really understands this space so have a strong suspicion that much of the negative ("too complex") positioning is simply because Gartner themselves do not understand how the ebXML framework fits together and haw it can address genuine B2B issues. Having said that, I feel that the ebXML community itself must shoulder a significant part of the blame for this knowledge gap. I have said before that the state of the standards development work is not the limiting factor for ebXML - it is the (very poor) level of awareness of ebXML in the marketplace. Does anyone have any recent and positive references from Gartner that I can use to do a little re-building of ebXML credibility here in Australia?? Regards, Steve Capell RedWahoo Sydney, Australia +61 410 437854
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