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Subject: GCI Conversations
Melanie & Pam, Thanks for working with us to straighten out the payload issues for GCI in the POC. I organized what Melanie forwarded to the group into the attached POC conversations. The POC conversations were further refined based on the f2f meeting today and an update is attached to this e-mail. I did modify the conversations to be used to demonstrate the TR&P specifications in accordance with ebXML. In the aligment and order exchange conversations, I added alignment and acceptance messages that are consistent with the DTD that you gave us for aligment and order exchange. It is understood by the group that I am in communication with you to insure that the end result still reflects an appropriate GCI payload. I ask that you please work with me to clarify the Order Exchange DTD. The DTD references ItemId information such as GlobalTradeItemNumber and alternateProductID. However, the example instances do not contain this information. Is this because the items are aligned and are not required in order exchange or is it because the instance is not complete (by which I could get the information from an alignment instance to complete it)? In either case, this is not a showstopper to the POC demo. As a final note, Melanie provided me with a list of implementation considerations that is useful in measuring the capabilities/success of the demonstration (why are headers needed, how payload is wrapped etc.). This feedback is very good and it came up in the proposal writing f2f today. We are going to address this in two ways. First, implementation discussions will be added to the proposal. Secondly, we discussed releasing a POC review document shortly after Tokyo to critique the demonstration and its effectiveness. Again, this is coming together very well and we appreciate your supporting the POC. Thanks, Mark
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