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Subject: RE: Future steps


Sorry I couldn't make the meeting in Vienna, but I would also like to echo 
the sentiments of some POC team members. Interoperability testing is 
not only important, I would assert that it's necessary for the long term 
success of ebXML. 

The testing that has been performed by the POC team has provided very 
valuable feedback. I don't know what % of ebXML's functionality was 
actually exercised by the POC activities, but I suspect there
are areas of ebXML that were not tested.  These
"uncharted waters" need to undergo the "POC litmus test" to prove, 
1) the specs are implementable and 2) they "hit the mark" in delivering
the functionality needed to meet the requirements they were 
designed to satisfy. There may also be variations of the tests that
POC did perform that weren't exercised that could uncover 
something interesting. 

I also believe it would benefit the entire ebXML community, but especially 
users and vendors, to have some type of "certification process"
that would virtually guarantee interoperable products. I know that 
Rik Drummond has a lot of experience organizing/conducting certification
tests/processes, you may want to ask his opinion on this. 

Kudos to all the POC participants, you turned the ebXML dream into reality.

I enjoyed working with all of you over the past 18 months, hopefully
our paths will cross again, after all, this is only the beginning!


Dick Brooks (TR&P team)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sid Askary [mailto:sid_askary@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 12:49 AM
To: ebxml-poc@lists.ebxml.org
Subject: Future steps

Last night in the steering committee meeting, the
executives announced that the POC would not exist as a
functioning body past Vienna.  While we were working
late on the Demo, some of you approached me and
expressed your concern regarding this decision.  

The concerns were that if the vendor community is to
deploy the infrastructure specifications there needs
to be a mechanism for verifying interoperability and
clarifying the specifications.  Furthermore, those
vendors who have experience with other standards
implementations believe that it is only through
interoperability and conformance testing with one
another that they have been able to provide a solution
to their customers, citing Rosettanet as an example. 
Finally, as a result of such continued activities,
feedback, request for clarification or improvements to
the specifications is forwarded to the appropriate
working group or organization. 

Therefore, we will have a brief meeting at around 4:00
pm to discuss this matter.  

Sid Askary

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