Subject: ISO 11179-3 Metadata Registry Metamodel(most recent version)
The most recent version of the ISO 1117-3 Metadata Registry Metamodel can be found at the following URL. This is the version currently being balloted by ISO SC32 WG2. This document is about 130 pages. It includes both text and UML data model figures. Note that the XML encoding annex (Annex E) is out of date. Another message will follow with more recent citation for Annex E. See: -- Frank Olken Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Road, Mailstop 50B-3238 Berkeley, CA 94720 510-486-5891 (office, voice) 510-486-4004 (office, fax) 510-442-7361 (pager) 510-593-3344 (cell phone) 510-843-5145 (home, voice) URL:
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