Subject: RE: Meeting notes 05/08/2001
Meeting Notes for 05/08/2001 Attendance: Joe Dalman- TIE Commerce Sally Fuger- AIAG Byoung-Youl Song-ETRI Kunio Mizoglichi- ECOM Nikola Stojanovic- Encoda Jong L. Kim- InnoDigital Len Gallagher- NIST John Pietit- KPMG Sejin Nam- K4M Kathryn Breininger- Boeing Lisa Carnahan- NIST Kyu-Chul Lee- CNU Yutaka Yoshida- Sun Deuk Jin Jung- KIEC Farrukh Najmi(Phone)- Sun Vadim Draluk- BEA Meeting started at 9:00 am Started by recapping work done on Monday. The group first looked at a comment from QRT about the getExpirationDate attribute in the RIM. There was some question if the attribute can be stable once the expiration date has expired. The change suggested was to change the word from MUST on line 445 to may, which the group agreed. 9:30 am After spending a few minutes on the RIM the group starting reviewing the changes Farrukh had made to the registry service document during the evening. The group appreciates the hard work Farrukh did during the evening hours to help move the registry service document forward. Farrukh made the following changes: -Now the client only implements RegistryClient with 2 simple methods 1)onResponse 2)onError. These methods get responses and errors asynchronously delivered by service. -On the service side all methods return a response object. The RegistryResponse (and its sub-classes) is capable of indicating success or failure in status attribute. It may also contain an ebXMLError in case there is a failure. In case of async response the return value from service methods should be null and the response should be delivered async to the RegistryClient interface (onResponse in case of success or partial success, onError in case of failure. -Almost all the pictures had to be redone. A new picture was added for response class hierarchy In reviewing the changes the group changed some of the wording around section 6.4.1 to clearly explain what the synchronous response would be. Added was an example of an asynchronous response. 10:00 am to 10:30 am Break 10:30 am Conversation continued on section 6.4.1 with additional changes to put the words in bullet form discussing asynchronous and synchronous Next we looked at the changes in Section 6.4.3 and decided the second paragraph was not needed. In Section 6.4.4 a couple of words were changed In Section 6.5.1 the second paragraph had a change made to add asynchronous. In Section 7.5 changed some of the words added by Farrukh In Section 7.6 same changes made in 7.5 where made here In Section 7.8.2, Section 8.1.1, Section 8.1.2, Section 8.1.3 all had same changes as 7.5 Identified that in figure 17 we can't use X because Xquery is now a W3C word so that word will have to be changed. Group noticed some issues about the Submitting organization and Responsible Organization and was going to think about any changes that maybe needed in the Registry Service specification. 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Continued to review Registry service document adding figure numbers to some of the figures towards the end of the document Identified that in section 8.5.2 the current illustration isn't the most current TRP specification so we added to it to match the TRP specification better. In looking at Appendix A1 it was pulled from the TRP specification, which uses schema instead of a DTD. It was decided to pull this off as a side item with Vadim, Nikola to look at change the appendix to a DTD One change was made to the DTD where state was made implied vs. required The group decided to split in two after coffee break with one group working on the DTD for ebxmlerror and the other group working on CPA words for the registry service document. 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm Break 3:30 pm The group had a conference call with Farrukh where we had a discussion about the types of returns the registry services should provide. After a long conversation the group was in agreement on what the registry service should return. Farrukh was also going to send the updated figures when any new changes. We continued to review the document with some of the changes made Monday and had agreement on the changes we made.
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