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Subject: ebXML Minutes 010700 - Word 6.0 & Text
Mike, et al I have not seen these get posted on the list serve this week so I'm e-mailing them now. > <<ebxml-ReqGrp-Telcon-010700.doc>> <<ebxml-ReqGrp-Telcon-010700.txt>> Need to confirm whether Ravi Kacker was on the call? > Tom Warner > Manager, Electronic Commerce Initiatives > Integrated Digital Environment Program > Aircraft and Missiles Systems > The Boeing Company > (T) 314-232-0615 > (F) 314-777-1704 > e-mail: thomas.warner@boeing.com >
01/07/00 UN/CEFACT -OASIS ebXML ebXML Requirements Group Teleconference 01/07/00 Summary Report Chair: Mike Rawlins (972) 783-9573 Secty: Tom Warner (314) 232-0615 Editor : Mark Crawford (703) 917-7177 Attendees / Members: e-mail Attended 1/7/00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Rawlins, Team Leader rawlins@metronet.com Y Tom Warner, Secretary thomas.warner@boeing.com Y Mark Crawford,(Editor) mcrawford@lmi.org Y Jon Bosak bosak@eng.sun.com Y Tim Cochran tcochran@disa.org Y Turochas Fuad turochas.fuad@sun.com Y Kenji Itoh kenji41@attglobal.net Scott Hinkelman srh@us.ibm.com Y Doug Hopeman hopeman@xmls.com Y Ravi Kacker rkacker@kraft.com ? Jean Kubler jean.kubler@unece.org Kim Lambert klambert@air-transport.org Kit Lueder kit@mitre.org Y Murray Maloney ? Marcia McLure marcia.mclure@mmiec.com Norbert Mikula norbert@datachannel.com Y Garret Minakawa gminakaw@us.oracle.com Y Dwayne Nickull ? Kathleen Tyson-Quah jtq@granularity.co.uk Don Rudie rudied@dnb.com Y David Webber drrwebber@acm.org Y Agenda : 1) Roll call, introduction of new participants 2) Approval of Agenda 3) Approval, corrections to minutes from previous meetings 4) Review proposed work plan 5) Pending approval of work plan, begin discussion of issues list 6) Schedule next call (we need a sponsor for the next call) Meeting Minutes Summary: * New members Intro: Turochas Fuad, Scott Hinkelman and David Webber * Agenda Approved - Don R. asked that Mike include any other work group input/reports that he has. * Minutes Approved - from San Jose and last Teleconference without correction * Jon B announced that SUN will host the remainder of the Requirements Group * Teleconferences. He introduced Turochas Fuad, who sat in for him. [Turochas will now replace Jon as Sun's representative to our project team] * Web Site Logistics: Mike announced that OASIS is moving to a new web site and wants to wait until completed (by 1/17) [date added by Mike after the meeting]until providing a web page for posting Work Group Documents (contributions, minutes, specs, etc.) Expect the site to have some public access and some for work group only. * Mike R. - Sent a request to all ebXML Work Group chairs requesting their Requirements Input. Have gotten some to date but still awaiting others. Our group will have to review and incorporate in our work. * Dave W. - Requested that Mike R. inquire about effort to get a new ebXML logo * Mike R. - Will raise question at new ebXML Steering Team meeting (1st teleconference 1/13/00) * Mike R. - Review of Proposed Work Plan: - Thought that it might help to clarify what is and is not in the requirements - Requirements in a Software Engineering circles are used as a "blue print" and a "guideline". They are also used as a "contract" for defining: "what you are going to do", "what you are about", and "how you interact". - Requirements need concise descriptive bullets - Normative sections need to be imperative (use the word "shall) with some context added. - The Member Requirements Opinion Papers should be an appendix to our Requirements Document - Don R. - Agreed that member opinions are good for level setting and should be retained. - Dave W. - Agreed - opinions help define reason for using ebXML (business case) - Mike R. - Will add (opinion paper) to the work plan. Everyone should insure that they add their Requirements Opinion paper to the Listserve ASAP. * Mike R. - Group Working Method: - We will use the Listserve to do our Requirements work and resolve issues. Expect that issues focus on challenges to work or to scope. - We will reserve the conference calls for resolving issues. - Mike R. and Mark C to produce the (strawman) draft Requirements Spec for group refinement. - In Orlando we will go over the Requirements Spec and get group consensus by mid week (2/2). * Mike R. - Schedule Concerns: If we are going to produce a usable Requirements Document we will have to have our project team finalize all work by mid week (2/2) of the Orlando Meeting. We need to be able to give our documents to the other work groups soon after or we've missed our deadline (and the other work groups will proceed without it). * Garret M. - Issues: We need to add an "Open Issues Section" * Mike R. - good suggestion - the issues may end up being included in the body of the Requirements documents as well as in a "Open Issues" section or an appendix. * Tom W. - Suggested using a topic/category "stack" model, like contributed by Garret M. (on list serve), in order to keep the various requirement subjects separated for logical discussion. Too much subject overlap in our discussions. * Mike R. - Suggested following his original proposed outline . * All - Agreed * Mike R. - Review / Resolve the Outstanding Issues: * Issue 1 - Conflict - Maximize interoperability with existing EDI implementations, or maximize interoperability between ebXML applications. - Mike R. - Sees this as "semantics versus presentation" issue. X12 and EDIFACT have the same basic semantics but different presentations. - Don R. - Requirements view question - we might have a single set of X12/EDIFACT semantics. Can we do it? - Mike R. - The Core Components Work Group recognized this. Their direction is that they want to identify a single set of semantics and presentation. They envision handing off this single set to all organizations like X12 and EDIFACT and have them map their existing EDI (semantics) to it. - Tom W. - Lessons learned - We have worked 10+ years to align X12 and EDIFACT and still cannot dictate a common semantic set. How can we believe that XML will solve that problem. - Tom W. - The Core Component Group is just doing what all the other XML consortiums are doing. They are trying to develop the ultimate harmonized single set of semantics that will work across all industries and countries. It cant be done from the top down. They should just put XML angle brackets around the existing different flavors of EDI in order to get everyone XML enabled. Then work toward the single harmonized ebXML semantic set. - Mark C. - agreed - we are just doing what all the "other" consortium groups are doing if we go down that path. - David W. - think I agree - (missed verbiage about ability to add / combine meta data from other sources during this phase. (i.e. UN Data Layout Key, UDEF Code or Biz Code, etc..) * Mike R. - 1st Attempt to Summarize all the above: To get maximum interoperability for existing EDI implementations we should employ a simple XML/EDI mechanical transformation (without a lot of effort to reengineer the semantics etc.) Then we can build the "standard bridges" from this XML/EDI to the new ebXML. This would give us the short term maximum interoperability. Do we have agreement? - Mark C. - There is still a question of consensus - asked Mike to produce a short description of the 2-3 options / approaches discussed above and put it on the Listserve for group resolution. - David W. - Would like to see an option of - for new stuff use this and for old stuff use that. Still would like to use the old stuff (EDI) to pre-populate (the XML for ebXML). - Mark C. - Wants interoperability with his XML environment first and then with EDI second. - Don R. - Wants to pre-fill (with XML EDI) - Tom W. - After looking at all member Opinion Papers, we all seem to focus on 4 basic objectives / categories for all Requirement Details: 1) A short term (EDI?) solution versus long term (ebXML) solution. 2) Business Documents Content Semantics (one or multiple?). 3) Documents delivery and management mechanisms. 4) Organizational and support issues. - Mike R. - OK - lets put on the Listserve those 2 approaches to the interoperability issue / solution discussed here. Then we can at least have a group strawman vote on it. - Kit L. - Is still confused about "level of Interoperability". - Mike R. - Thinks he had put something about interoperability on the Listserve already, but would expect the different work groups to define their own level of interoperability. Its easier to correlate enveloping structures... - David W. - Trade Association still want to maintain documents content ownership - Mike R. - agreed - Industry groups will own the content but we are talking about presentation here. - David and Mike went into a loop to rehash the above. Again, Mike will put the 2-3 options/ approaches on the Listserve for resolution - The end of issue 1 * Issue 2 - Conflict - Maximize interoperability between ebXML applications, or maximize internationalization by supporting multi-lingual ebXML components? If the latter, which languages? - David W. - This should not be an issue. Everyone expect the 1st cut to be in English and then it will be convertible into any other language. We need a mechanism to insure consistency and control. - All - Agreed - Not an issue * Issue 3 - Scope - Should the ebXML guidelines apply to business to consumer, or only business to business? - Don R. - Wants only B2B, but should be no difference between B2C and B2B - David W. - It's a fuzzy line between B2B and B2C but want a line there. - Tom W - 2 kinds of XML business documents are "static" (not modified) and "dynamic" (modifiable). These should be the same whether they B2C or B2B. The dynamic form may involve some human (or J-script) interaction but nothing to make it drastically different. We just do not want the e-bay like interactive solution. B2B should be the primary objective and B2C is the secondary. - Mark C. - Suggested that Mike put this issue out on the Listserve for group resolution. - All - Agreed * Issue 4 - Scope - Should the ebXML guidelines provide universally applicable cross industry document definitions? - Mike R. - Think that the discussions today indicate that we feel that ebXML should not do this - All -Agreed * Actions:- - Mike R. - Will re-issue all issues on Listserve with updates from above. - Garret M - We need to add a General Glossary. (Secty suggests that members submit terms with or without definition to Tom W. or Mark C for consolidation / review.) Tom W. - asked Mike to provide definition of "presentation" as used here. - All - Mike R asked members to put any new issues on the Listserve. - Mike R.and Mark C. - Produce strawman Requiremetns Spec - Mike - Check with Steering Committee about new ebXML logo * Mike R - Closed meeting - No additional items - So closed with agreement on next teleconference info below * Next Meetings: - 1/13/2000 (Thursday) - Next Teleconference: Time: 9:30 - 11:00 AM PST Dial-In Number: (304) 345-7506 - Participant#: 349072 Host: Turochas Fuad, eBiz Program Manager, Sun Microsystems, Inc. PH: 510 574-7427 FAX: 510 574-7524 - 1/31-2/4/00 - Orlando - Full ebXML Meeting - 5/08-12/00 - Brussels - Full ebXML Meeting
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