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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: A 2nd Opinion - on ebXML - Tom Warner

At the risk of rehashing some of my views in my 1st opinion paper I am
distributing "a 2nd Opinion".
This one adds some of my thoughts and concerns behind the stuff in my 1st
opinion paper. 

Note:   This is not a rebuttal to anyone else's opinion. 

Relax!  This is my last opinion paper!

 <<ebXML 2nd Opninion.doc>> 
See you all in 30 minutes. 

Tom Warner
Manager, Electronic Commerce Initiatives
Integrated Digital Environment Program
Aircraft and Missiles Systems
The Boeing Company
(T) 314-232-0615
(F) 314-777-1704
e-mail: thomas.warner@boeing.com

ebXML 2nd Opninion.doc

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