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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Draft basic requirements statement


    Per our discussion of yesterday, following presented for consideration.

The fundamental requirement for ebXML is to develop and maintain a single set of
internationally agreed upon common XML semantics, related core XML document
structures, and a common methodology to exchange XML documents.  This syntax for
this single set of XML standards should be based on, and stay within the
boundaries of, approved W3C recommendations.  This single set of XML standards
should focus on interoperability between XML applications; between XML
applications and XML enabled databases; and between XML users, XML applications,
and XML enabled databases.  This single set of XML standards should, where
efficiency is not impacted, and to the extent practicable, provide for a
transition path from existing EDI and XML business standards. 

Mark Crawford
Research Fellow
LMI Logistics Management Institute
2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
(703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
"Opportunity is what you make of it"

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