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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Updated Issues List - Straw Poll


Here is the updated issues list.  I would like to get a straw poll
concerning where we stand.  I don't think that any of these proposed
consensus statements are perfect, but I would like us to find some that
are adequate.

Please send a vote to the listserv with subject "ebXML Requirements
Straw Poll".    Please send your vote in by close of business Wednesday,
January 19.

For my ease in tabulating votes,  please just list the numbers and
whether you agree or disagree with the consensus statement.  Such as:

Subject:  ebXML Requirements Straw Poll

1  Disagree
2  Agree
3  Agree
4  Agree

If you want to discuss your reasons, please do so in a separate e-mail.



Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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