ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: ebXML Requirements Conference Call 1/28 - As Planned

Murray Maloney wrote:

> I may be able to participate in today's call, but only
> for a little while. I would like to say now that I am
> very impressed with this requirements document.

Thank you.

> I will offer more useful comments later, but for the
> next draft, I would appreciate a header on the document,
> including date of publications, editor and contributing
> authors with their email addresses.

I come from the ANSI ASC X12 world, where individuals are not recognized on documents.  However, I know
that in other groups this is standard practice.  It is useful if someone needs to contact one of the
authors for clarification, rationale, etc.  With X12, they can contact DISA.  For ebXML, I'm not sure who
they would contact 2 years from now, so individual identification might be appropriate.  I'll bring it up
with the steering committee.  If we do list people, I would favor listing the active members of the
project team.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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