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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: RE: illustration of business requirements

Mark Crawford wrote:
>Attached jpeg is of the illustration that was shown to us by the Business
>Requirements group during our meeting with them.  

Did you mean Business Process Methodology group?  Or is there a
separate Business Requirements group that I missed?

>After looking at it several
>times, I am wondering if it is something we want to include in our requirements
>document.  Placement would be in the beginning of section 3 to show how the work
>of all of the technical task groups tie together.  Please let me hear from you
>soonest on two fronts - do you support the context of the picture, and do you
>believe it should be in the requirements document?.

It's an interesting diagram, but appears to give a much larger scope
to a business process model than the requirements document previously
indicated.  Does this mean that the scope of the business process
has been enlarged in Orlando?  Or did I miss something in the first
place? Or is the diagram out of sync with reality?

I'm not taking a position here, just asking questions.

Bob Haugen
Logistical Software LLC

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