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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Proposed High Level ebXML Deliverables


For a very high level description of ebXML deliverables,  I have
extracted and summarized the following from the latest draft of the
ebXML Architecture Spec.  I suggest we add this to the deliverables
section of the Requirements Spec which we plan to release for the second
comment period this Monday.


The major specifications that the ebXML initiative will deliver are:

1. Technical Architecture Specification - contains an overview of the
technical infrastructure that comprises ebXML and itemize the design
rules and guidelines.

2. Repository and Registry Specification - includes functional
specification and technical design, interfaces, services.

3. Transport, Routing and Packaging Specification - addresses transport
of ebXML messages,  the means of security employed and the physical
construction of the messaging used within the scope of the ebXML system.

4.  Business Process Modeling Specification - the business process
meta-model and the recommended methodology for using it.

5.  Core Components Specification - The set of ebXML core components, or
the prescribed methodology for deriving them.

Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader

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