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Subject: RE: Comments to Version 0.8-Reqts Specs
Hello, On the comments, add to your list the below: ISO 3166 is internationally used, including by IANA and now ICANN for the ccTLDs (ISO 3166 county codes Top level domain). I would resume your list by just stating that this would mean that we all speak the same language in all languages, tout un proramme. Regards, Jean ------------------------------------------------------- UN/ECE Jean E. KUBLER Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business Tel: +41 22 9172774 http://www.unece.org/cefact ------------------------------------------------------- ____________________Reply Separator____________________ Subject: SV: RE: Comments to Version 0.8-Reqts Specs Author: "Greg FitzPatrick" <gf@medianet.org> Date: 4/27/00 5:24 PM Isn't the issue laid out here more like this?: a) there will in most cases be more than one schema for names (rigid designators). b) extensible applications must be able to resolve this situation by the utilization of multiple namespaces. viz. application A reaches concurrence to application B through common reference to online schemas C,D,E... c) naming conventions (schemas) will not always align. d) lack of alignment might be due to: (non-exhaustive) timeliness, culture, language, politics and error. e) statistical applications demand correct alignment - perhaps more so than others, since statistics is an aggregation of multiple transactions which will not always refer to common schemas. f) in a true "naming market" certain schemas will win a larger market-share through user preference. In some cases this might result in naming monopolies. g) statistical applications must developed mechanisms to resolve non-aligning schemas. h) how nice if everyone just used ISO 3166, but... Greg >
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