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Subject: Fwd:Definitions of Registry and Repository


    your thoughts on Richards Comments?

Mark Crawford
Research Fellow
LMI Logistics Management Institute
2000 Corporate Ridge, McLean, VA 22102-7805
(703) 917-7177   Fax (703) 917-7518
"Opportunity is what you make of it"

____________________Forward Header_____________________
Subject:    Definitions of Registry and Repository 
Author: Richard Parent <rparent@sct.gouv.qc.ca>
Date:       4/27/00 9:25 PM


In software engineering, we used to hear the term Referential to
designate an "active dictionary", one which applies a model to an

In 2.4.1, it is said that "The Registry should have an () API..."
and the next paragraph says that the repository should have "a set
dealing with application usage of the repository".

This is not clear for me. The Note does not clarify which part plays the
referential role.

In this Note I would rephrase a bit : "such that a pointer to the
location of a document and all its metadata can be retrieved", to
reflect the fact that the location is part of metadata.

Richard Parent
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p>In software engineering, we used to hear the term <i>Referential </i>to
designate an "active dictionary", one which applies a model to an instance.
<p>In 2.4.1, it is said that "The Registry should have an () API..."
<br>and the next paragraph says that the repository should have "a set
dealing with application usage of the repository".
<p>This is not clear for me. The Note does not clarify which part plays
the referential role.
<p>In this Note I would rephrase a bit : "such that a pointer to the location
of a document and all its metadata can be retrieved", to reflect the fact
that the location is part of metadata.
<p>Richard Parent</html>

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