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ebxml-requirements message

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Subject: Re: TPA Requirements

Please note that I said "process and information requirements for trading
partner information" and not specifically evaluation of tpaML.  The first item
on the Requirements Team Work Plan of May 24, 2000, approved by the Steering
Committee, is:

1) Work with Technical Coordination and support regarding gaps, overlaps, and
conflicts in requirements discovered in their review process.   Develop
requirements to further level of detail, with input of the other project teams,
as required.

I think developing more detail about trading partner requirements clearly falls
within this item.  I will see what the team consensus is and willingness to
work on this specific item before I make a proposal to the Steering Committee
on Wednesday, 8/2.

For more information about our current work plan and progress on it, please
refer to the work plan posted on the private team site at
http://www.ebxml.org/working/project_teams/requirements/, and plan to
participate in the call on Tuesday.

Have a good weekend,


"Kacker, Ravi K." wrote:

> Mike,
>  I am wondering how discussion on tpaML is relevant for ebXML Requirements
> Project Team ??? Any expansion of the ebXML Requirements Team agenda needs
> first approval of ebXML Steering Committee as well as an agreement from the
> project team members. This should not be included in the agenda topic for
> the Conference call on Aug 1.
>  I need to more specifically seek answers from our team members whether or
> not we have achieved our initial goal as defined by the ebXML Steering
> Committee and what contributions are we bringing from our team to San Jose
> meeting ?? Those are more relevant topics.
>  Ravi Kacker
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Rawlins [mailto:rawlins@metronet.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 3:03 PM
> To: ebxml-stc
> Cc: ebXML Requirements
> Subject: TPA Requirements
> IBM's submission of tpaML is quite timely, since one thing I noticed
> when reviewing the latest round of specifications is that we don't have
> much on trading partner information.  To pursue this topic, I am
> tentatively volunteering the Requirements Team to develop the process
> and information requirements for trading partner information.  We'll
> discuss this at our team conference call this next Tuesday, and I should
> have a definite proposal to put to the Steering Committee at its call on
> Wednesday.
> After developing the requirements, the work can then be handed off to
> another team (perhaps Architecture) to develop or adopt an
> implementation specification.
> Regards,
> Mike Rawlins, ebXML Work Group, Requirements Project Team Leader
> http://www.ebxml.org/working/project_teams/requirements/

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