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Subject: Draft Agenda (Version 2) for Wednesday's (02 August 2000) biweeklySteering

Addition of 2.2. as per Mike Rawlins


ebXML biweekly Steering Committee teleconference - 02 August 2000

Time: 08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 16:00 UK, 17:00 Central Europe
Dial-In Number = 1-800-338-9779  
International Callers = 1-719-457-0711  

Password = 144244

Draft Agenda

1.     Old Business

1.1.   Monday Morning - Orientation Session

1.2.   Tuesday Morning - Architectural Coordination Session

1.3.   Wednesday Afternoon - Special Presentations

1.4.   Sunday Afternoon - StC Bounding

1.5.   Status Update on CC action items

1.5.1. Core Component Task Group Lists

1.5.2. White paper - Defining CC and relationships to other ebXML
       work items

2.     New Business

2.1.   NWA Letter - Follow-up action   

2.2.   Requirements Team consideration of trading partner process
       and information requirements

3.     Other Business

Klaus-Dieter Naujok                                ebXML Chair
Antioch, CA USA                                +1.925.759.1670

PGP Finger: 6A4B 1683 CD99 E7BE F855  CC2F 4569 6BD8 76BD 1117

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