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ebxml-stc message

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Subject: Revised Specification Approval Process


Here's the updated process with submission to the QA Team included in
the time line.   I have added 5 business days (one calendar week) for
each of the 2 QA reviews.  If this is not correct, let me know.

If it is correct, please note that the minimal, best case time line for
a new spec being approved at a meeting now has submission to the QA team
at 12 weeks prior to that meeting.  The practical effect is that you
need to get a new spec to QA immediately after a meeting in order to
make approval at the next meeting.  We probably ought to discuss this at
the next conference call if anyone has concerns.

Attachment is in MS-Word 97.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

ebXML Specification Approval Process Sep 1 2000.doc

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