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Subject: RE: Revised Specification Approval Process

we also need to spell out the response format such as who, line number, "
comment area", suggested change and finally if it is  rated such as
editorial, technical, typo. we need to make this and pass it out to the all
the teams. best regards, rik

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Rawlins [mailto:rawlins@metronet.com]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 12:53 PM
To: ebxml-stc
Subject: Revised Specification Approval Process


Here's the updated process with submission to the QA Team included in
the time line.   I have added 5 business days (one calendar week) for
each of the 2 QA reviews.  If this is not correct, let me know.

If it is correct, please note that the minimal, best case time line for
a new spec being approved at a meeting now has submission to the QA team
at 12 weeks prior to that meeting.  The practical effect is that you
need to get a new spec to QA immediately after a meeting in order to
make approval at the next meeting.  We probably ought to discuss this at
the next conference call if anyone has concerns.

Attachment is in MS-Word 97.

Michael C. Rawlins, Rawlins EDI Consulting

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