Subject: minutes of Aug. 30, 2000 conference call
Attendees: Dale Mobert, Mike Rawlins, Anne Hendrie, Prakash Sinha, Iwasa, Farrukh Najmi, Scott Hinkelman, Mark Hale, and anyone who may have been on the call but didn't identify themselves. We agreed that we need a requirements document which in turn would be input to the ebXML Requirements document. I suggested that a UML model of the TPA could be our Tokyo deliverable. Scott HInkelman briefly discussed the ebXML metamodel and noted that it will be revised based on the latest Edifecs metamodel. The TPA model can be combined at that point. Mike Rawlins pointed out that OpenEDI discusses a scenario and scenario manager. The scenario manager corresponds to the application services layer which is occasionally mentioned in TRP discussions. Scott mentioned that the ebXML UML model may not have a TPA section that can be separated. I pointed out that to use the ebxml parts separately as well as together (which is stated in the ebXML requirements document), the TPA UML model should ge able to stand alone. Mike agreed. Prakash raised the question of separate XML documents for different parts of the TPA. I suggested that we do this in a way which enables a party to view the whole TPA together in order to ensure consistency between sections. Mike suggest that for Tokyo, we should have a text document as well as a UML mode. I suggested that this should consist of descriptions of the individual tags and could be part of the final specification. Mike suggested developing a single document that has both UML digrams and text, including some use case descriptions and class diagrams. The UML model should be able to be integrated with the ebxml metamodel but there should alsob e a stand-alone document. Mike reported that he is reviewing the UML model against ANSI EDI 838, which is a standard for exchanging trading-partner information. There implementations, including US Federal applications, which use EDI 838. Farrukh reported that he is working on a registry services specification which uses the TPA. He has since posted the draft to the TP team listserver. Farrukh suggested that the components of the TPA be registered to the repository. There should be an interface for composing a TPA. Conference calls: We decided to start with a frequency of every two weeks. Mike suggested switching to weekly after the face-to-face. Face-to-face meeting: We decided on October 12-13 at IBM, Hawthorne, NY. Dale Moberg said that he will look for some B2B use cases and suggested that others also look for the same. He suggested looking at some papers from the MIT Media Lab. Regards, Marty ************************************************************************************* Martin W. Sachs IBM T. J. Watson Research Center P. O. B. 704 Yorktown Hts, NY 10598 914-784-7287; IBM tie line 863-7287 Notes address: Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM Internet address: mwsachs @ *************************************************************************************
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