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Subject: Explanations about examples of CPP/CPA based on CPP/CPA SpecificationV1.0
I made brief explanation documents about examples of CPP/CPA based on CPP/CPA Specification V1.0. I revised some descriptions of explanation documents that were indicated in Vienna meeting. If anyone noticed some comments about these explanation documents, please let me know. Followings are my doubt about CPA example. (1)The contents of Service element of both companies are different each other. One (for buyer) is 'uri:example.com/services/buyerService' and the other one (for seller) is 'uri:example.com/services/sellerService'. Is this possible? (2)Communication protocol of company '123456789' (buyer) is HTTP and SMTP. Communication protocol of company '987654321' (seller) is HTTP only. Is this correct? Best Regards from Japan, Yukinori Saito -------------------------------------------------- Yukinori Saito Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan(ECOM) E-mail:y-saito@ecom.or.jp TEL:+81-3-5500-3642 FAX:+81-3-5500-3660 --------------------------------------------------
Cpp-example.xml (CPP-CPA Specification V1.0).doc
Cpa-example.xml (CPP-CPA Specification V1.0).doc
Explanation of Cpp-example.xml (CPP-CPA Specification V1.0).doc
Explanation of Cpa-example.xml (CPP-CPA Specification V1.0).doc
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