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Subject: Re: COMPLEXITY BIG ISSUE & W3C Schema
Message text written by Renato Iannella > David, to be fair to the XML Schema WG, the Usage Scenarios from the XML Schema Requirements document is where W3C *expect* XML Schemas to be used. Not that they are addressing all the concerns/needs of those communities/domains. XML Schema V1.0 will provide basic and general needs for Schema designers. It is up to communities, like ebXML, to then build on V1.0 with their specific extensions. XML Schema V1.0 will provide a more flexible base to build ebXML schemas upon. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Renato - I could NOT disagree more! You know that the W3C is going to press release this claiming its the next best thing since Viagra, and you can rub it on anywhere. Fact is - what they have today - comes up major short in several key areas. So when we come to do versioning in Repositories as an example - there is NO versioning in current schema - so what to do? We can go on down this path - I'm very sure that Transport, Repository and Core are going to generate requests for syntax mechanisms aplenty. I'm lobbying for a ebXML Technical WG to help develop these so we have the XML experts honed in on doing this for the "business needs" experts in all the other WG's. Effective use of our resources. But - bottom line is that this will ultimately result in needs for simple functions in XML parsers that the W3C does not have. Sure you can band-aid things - but that is EXACTLY what we are trying to avoid. We want simple native and implemented features. Think of Legos bricks - remember before Lego came with wheels? Sure you can make blocks look like wheels, but its a whole lot more work, and does not run as well. For this reason I'm not seeing XML Schema V1.0 as good news. It's Lego without the wheels and a whole lot more as far as we are concerned. It will force us to kludge things, and kludging will costs companies implementing ebXML more money and effort than it should - and that's exactly what we want to avoid. Bottom line - we have to ensure the XML Schema V1.0 reflects the business need. Used to be that documents were king for W3C - now business transactions are king, but the Requirements for Schema do not yet reflect this as needed. This we want to have addressed ASAP. DW.
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