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ebxml-transport message

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Subject: What ebXML specifications do we need?


I thought it might be useful for us to identify all the specifications we
need to develop. Here's my list for starters:

1. ebXML Message Header Specification - what we're working on
2a. ebXML MIME Message Envelope Specification - how to wrap header's and
bodies in a MIME wrapper
2b. ebXML XML Message Envelope Specification - how to wrap headers and
bodies in XML - we should do this later
3. ebXML Document Exchange Template Specification - defines how we handle
requests, responses, message acks, cancel, error, etc and include state
diagrams for each end.
4. ebXML Reliable Messaging Specification - how to achieve robust reliable
once-only delivery of message in a vendor neutral, transport independent way
5a. ebXML Messaging over HTTP Specification - how to send ebXML Messages
using HTTP or HTTPS
5b. ebXML Messaging over SMTP Specification - how to send ebXML Messages
using SMTP
6a. ebXML S/MIME Security and Signature Specification - how to use S/MIME
with ebXML Messages
6b. ebXML XMLDsig Security and Signature Specification - how to use IETF/W3C
XML Digital Signatures with ebXML Messages - we wouldn't do this until later
7. ebXML Transaction Status Inquiry Specification - how to inquire on the
current status of a transaction
8. ebXML Service Availability Specification - how to determine if a Service
is up and running
9. ebXML Publish & Subscribe Specification - how to do Publish and Subscribe
securely using any of the above
10. ebXML Messaging Discovery Specification - how to determine the
parameters associated with a Service from the ebXML Messaging perspective.
11. ebXML Messaging Audit Trail Specification - how to create an audit trail
of the messages exchanged during a transaction.

In my view we need to do 1, 2 and 5 before we have a usable specification
and 1 through 5 before we have one we can use in a B2B context.



Advanced Technology, CommerceOne
4400 Rosewood Drive 3rd Fl, Bldg 4, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA
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