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Subject: RE: Trading Partner Logical Identification based on EDIFACT or X12qualifiers
Message text written by David Burdett > Folks Two questions: 1. Who's going to take this up with RegRep, and 2. Why can't we use a variety of methods of getting Trading Partner Profiles. For example: a) a simple URL that retrieves the document, or b) an ebXML business process that uses the ebXML Messaging specification, e.g. Trading Partner Profile Request sent to the RegRep which results in a Trading Partner Profile Response that contains the actual profile in return. I don't see why we need to use any other wire protocol. The request could also contain some search parameters to narrow the search David <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Dave, 1) I'm on the hook to do the liaison with RegRep. 2) We (RegRep) are actively working this aspect and will have some interface details shortly - we basically need this for the Tokyo POC. Thanks, DW.
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